PhD. Martha Asunción Alonso Moreno Profesora Permanente Laboral (UAH) PhD. Enrique Alonso García PhD in Law by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. PhD. Roberto Carlos Álvarez Delgado Adjunct Professor at the Universidad de Alcalá. Department of Philology, Communication and Documentation. PhD. Laura Álvarez Trigo Assistant Professor in the Department of English Philology at the Universidad de Valladolid PhD. Pilar Andrade Boué Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid PhD. Gala Arias Rubio Assistant Professor at the Universidad Europea. Translation and Interpretation. PhD. Julia Barella Vigil Associate Professor at the Universidad de Alcalá. Department of Philology, Communication and Documentation. PhD. Julio Cañero Serrano Research Member. Vice President for International Relations. PhD. Margarita Carretero González Associate Professor at the Universidad de Granada. Department of English and German Philologies. More Investigadores Researchers Visiting researchers Share this page facebook twitter linkedin Filter Name Researcher - Any - Principal Investigator (PI) Associated Collaborator Doctor Junior Research group