After many years of living two lives, one dedicated to philology and translation and the other to environmental activism, I discovered Environmental Humanities. It was a moment of glorious epiphany where I understood that I could put the tools of my trade (words) at the service of a struggle that I considered vital.
D. in Humanities from the UC3M and Professor of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which she also currently coordinates. Since 2005, she has directed the Classics of Slavic Literature collection at Akal publishing house, as part of her philological and editorial facet, as she holds a degree in Slavic Philology from the UCM and a postgraduate degree in Publishing from Oxford Brookes University. She has been executive editor of the journal Ecozon@ since 2021. Her lines of research focus on post-collapse narratives and climate fiction, as well as animal representations in literature, especially in the work of Ursula K Le Guin.
Lines of research: environmental humanities, specialised translation, curricular environmentalisation, ecocriticism.