Knowing years ago the details of the environmental crisis that was already underway decided me to dedicate my research to the study of literature from the guidelines of ecocriticism. The GIECO research group allows me to work in harmony with those who have similar interests, as well as concrete environmental commitments, and seek to develop a vision that respects the natural environment and non-human living beings. I try to implement environmental humanities at the university level from my specific field of philology, giving visibility to literary texts in which themes related to ecology and environmentalism are raised, although I am also interested in theoretical issues related to environmental thought.
With a degree in French Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in French Philology, she is a lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. She has published books and articles on various authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, from both comparative perspectives (especially literature and film) and city studies. His current research focuses on ecocriticism and environmental issues. She has participated in numerous research and teaching innovation projects and has been a member of three research groups. She was coordinator of the Master in Literary Studies at UCM and is coordinator of the PhD in Literary Studies at the same university.
Lines of research: ecocriticism: theory, text analysis, ecological and ecologist themes, literature of disaster, zoopoetics.