The Instituto Franklin de la Universidad de Alcalá is the only University Institute for Research on North America in Spain.
Founded in 1987, its activity focuses on postgraduate research and education related to American Studies and Bilingual Education through research projects, scholarships and grants, and its dissemination in own publications and scientific events.
As a center of the Universidad de Alcalá, its nature, composition and powers conform to the provisions of the statutes of the UAH, Chapter IX: “About University Institutes”.
The mission of the Instituto Franklin-UAH is to serve as a platform for communication, cooperation and union between Spain and North America, in order to promote mutual understanding.
To be the benchmark educational and knowledge center in American Studies.
The objectives of the Instituto Franklin-UAH are…
- To provide a forum for the analysis and dissemination of issues related to North America, especially on the United States, with an academic and social outreach.
- To enhance cooperation between the Universidad de Alcalá and North American institutions, paying particular attention to relationships with Hispanic communities in the United States.
- To promote the generation of knowledge and analysis, allocating funds to research projects and to the training of new researchers in their natural scope of action.
- Training students in a framework of academic excellence fostering the development of their professional skills.

The Institute is funded through the enrollment fees of the different academic programs it offers. Its economic activity is detailed in the Annual Financial Report of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- The main lines of research are Hispanics in the USA, bilingual education, and North American culture and society.
- The amount of €150,000 is allocated each year, intended to train researchers and to disseminate the research results.
- Publications in the REDEN (American Studies) and Camino Real (Hispanic in the USA) journals.
- It promotes research by subsidizing publications of academic content.
- It organizes international seminars and conferences.
- It provides training for Doctors in American Studies.
- It offers the only Master's Degree in American Studies in Spain.
- It teaches 8 Master's Degrees related with International and Bilingual Education.
- It trains American conversation assistants in Spains.
- It receives 600 American students each year.