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  • Research

  • Ayuda Washington Irving
    Research Scholarship
    Washington Irving Scholarship

    The Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá, within the framework of its annual research plan, collaborates with the Spanish Association for American Studies (...

  • Beca formativa investigadores júnior
    Research Scholarship
    Beca formativa investigadores iunior

    This scholarship is directed towards postgraduate students interested in initiating research activities on a subject related to American Studies at Instituto Franklin-...

  • Ayuda Margaret Fuller
    Research Scholarship
    Margaret Fuller Scholarship

    The Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá, within the framework of its annual research plan, collaborates with the Association of Anglo-American Studies (...

  • Premio Teach & Learn a las Buenas Prácticas
    Research Scholarship
    Teach & Learn "Good Practices in the Classroom" Award

    The Instituto Franklin de la Universidad de Alcalá in its field of research about Bilingual Education, organizes the award “Teach & Learn a las Buenas Prácticas...

  • Premio Alice Gould
    Research Scholarship
    Alice Gould Award

    The Daughters of the American Revolution (España Chapter) and the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos "Benjamin Franklin" de la Universidad de Alcalá announce...

  • Ayuda Harry Levin
    Research Scholarship
    Harry Levin Scholarship

    The Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá, within the framework of its annual research plan and with the aim of benefiting students from the PhD Program in...

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