The Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá, within the framework of its annual research plan, collaborates with the Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN) in the granting of a scholarship of €1,600 to carry out a research stay in the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
The stay will last 15 days.
The scholarship will amount to €1600 aimed at covering accommodation, transport, maintenance, office supplies, computer equipment, and bibliographic works proposed by the applicant.
The bibliographic works will remain property of the Instituto’s bibliographic fund, though the beneficiary will be allowed to use them for his/her research activities.
The bibliographic works shall be ordered at least four months before the stay.
The Instituto Franklin-UAH provides adequate study space, within its facilities, for the beneficiary.
The field of research shall be American Studies or be related to North America.
The applicant shall be a fully-fledged member of AEDEAN at the time of applying.
The enjoyment of this scholarship is incompatible with any other public or private financial aid.
The selection will be made by a Committee elected for that purpose by the AEDEAN and Instituto Franklin-UAH Boards of Directors.
The name of the beneficiary shall be announced on the AEDEAN and Instituto Franklin-UAH websites.
CLOSED. 2025. Stoncikaite, Ieva. Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. "Contemporary Perspectives on Female Aging: Insights from Erica Jong"
2024. D. Paul Mitchell. "Gender in Autobio-graphical Illness Comics"
2023. Dª María Porras Sánchez. "Vulnerable, yet joyful: (self)representation of young precarious lives in Vietnamese-American literary works and graphic narratives".
2022. Laura de la Parra “The Lyric Essay as Life Writing: Negotiating Neoliberal Femininity”
2020. Miriam Borham Puyal. “Reclaming the Mother: Indigenous Stories of Creation, Identity and Resistance”.
2019. Elena Errico. “Traducir el barrio: las dos versiones en inglés de Caras viejas y Vino nuevo de A.Morales”.
2018. Coral Pereda Serras. “The Female Body as a Receptacle of the Trauma of Displaced Identity in 21st Media Arts”.
2017. José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo. “The Hispanization of Miami-based English: A Study on Lexical Influence”.
2016. Martyna Bryla. “Tracking the Transnational Trickster: A Critical Analysis of Gary Shteyngart’s Protagonist”.
2015. Alexandra Álvaro Cortés. “Entre la esfera pública y privada: Población afrodescendiente en Luisiana y Floridas de época española”.
2014. Noelia Gregorio Fernández. “Troublemaking Chicano Cinema: Intertextualidad de identidad anglo-chicana en el cine de Robert Rodríguez”.
2013. Manuel Herrero Puertas. “Freak Bodies Politic: Disability, Innocence and National Allegory in Charles Stratton’s Career”.
2012. Patricia Álvarez. “Análisis comparativo entre la obra teatral Historias de Filadelfia (The Philadelphia Story), las adaptaciones Historias de Filadelfia (The Philadelphia Story, 1940) y Alta Sociedad (High Society,1956)”.
2011. Marta Fernández. “Enfermedad femenina y ‘performatividad’. El papel del teatro en el Movimiento por la Salud de las Mujeres en Estados Unidos (1969-2009)”.
2010. Lucía Currás. “La disfuncionalidad familiar en el Cine y la Televisión Norteamericana de las últimas décadas”.
2009. Diana Villanueva. “Antología de literatura norteamericana de la naturaleza”.