The Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá, within the framework of its annual research plan and with the aim of benefiting students from the PhD Program in American Studies or Master in American Studies, promotes the granting of 4 Harry Levin Scholarships of €300 each, to participate in seminars, conferences, symposia or congresses.
The scholarship is aimed at covering accommodation, registration, and transport for academic events. The grant amounts to €300 for participating in the event proposed by the applicant.
Any expenditure related to bibliographic and/or fungible materials as well as any other expenses not included in the previous paragraph is excluded from this scholarship.
The applicant shall be enrolled in the PhD Program in American Studies or Master in American Studies of the University of Alcalá at the moment of application.
The field of research shall be American Studies or be related to North America.
The applicant undertakes to attend and to participate in the event, and to include in any document resulting from his/her participation a mention to this scholarship from the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
The application should be presented followed by:
Summary of the lecture, presentation, or any other communication the candidate will defend in the seminar, conference, symposium, or congress selected.
Information related to the seminar, conference, symposium, or congress selected.
The beneficiary will be notified by email and the resolution will be published on this website and on the notice board at the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
The selection will be made by a PhD Committee from the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
Harry Levin 2023 for Master in American Students:
Jacob Lewis
Leejay Heller