This course consists of six different subjects including the most relevant phonetic, grammatical, lexical, and phraseology aspects of Spanish from the perspective of teaching a language as a second or foreign language. We will also see different accents, dialects, and jargons that make up the Spanish language and its application in the classroom. The six areas are:
- Teaching of phonetics
- Teaching of grammar
- Teaching of lexicon
- Teaching of phraseology
- Varieties of Spanish
- Specialized languages and teaching.
In this block, we will present and examine different methods of teaching foreign languages, in addition to the necessary methodological concepts for developing curricular designs of Spanish courses and teaching units. This block is divided into the following areas:
- Teaching methods.
- Spanish courses programs.
- Development of teaching units.
- Teaching materials and resources New technologies in SFL classrooms.
- Creation of didactic units.
- The use of new technologies in the classroom.
This course is devoted to the study of the linguistic principles of the process of teaching/learning languages, delving into the concept of language acquisition and development, and linguistic, communicative, and cultural skills.
The aim of this subject is the study of the mechanisms used to understand and produce oral and written messages.
Spanish Culture and Interculturality in the Classroom (Credits: 3, Language of Instruction: Spanish)
The last block of contents is devoted to the study of the main features as well as to the people who have passed through Spain and left their cultural imprint, artistic expression, linguistic variety, music, literature, etc. The general principles to consider when there are students from different cultural backgrounds will be developed to promote communication and understanding and strengthen cultural values among others.