Library on American Studies
The American Studies Library holds a unique and exceptional collection that brings value to the documentary heritage of the Universidad de Alcalá and to interested researchers. The collection consist of approximately 15,000 documents in different formats (books, periodical publications, audiovisual material and non-bibliographical material) related to American Culture, History and Literature.
It is located inside the Trinitarios Library, in the former Trinitarios Convent (17th century) where the Instituto Franklin-UAH is also located. The interior has been restored, but it maintains its original convent structure and essence (the chancel, the little room/chapel, the double-high altar, and the windows).
Its management and preservation is in hands of the Universidad de Alcalá Library in which it is integrated.
It is renewed every year with the acquisition of new bibliographic materials. It holds a substantial collection that comes from the former Washington Irving Library, from the materials of the Embassy of the United States In Madrid and from the Library of the old Torrejón de Ardoz military base.
Book collections:
· American Literature Collection: more than 2,300 books of American authors located in the main room of the library.
· Chicano Literature Collection: 600 monographic titles, located in a side room.
· Journals on American Studies, organized in Alphabetical order ordenadas in the journal room (the old choir)
· US-Spain image collection in the 20th century: http://dspace.uah.es/dspace/handle/10017/1122
Library Access
Some books are freely access in the main room, but to borrow materials an access card is needed.
Searchs: http://biblioteca.uah.es/
For more information: https://biblioteca.uah.es/biblioteca/crai-bibliotecas.asp?capa=bibliotrini

Campus Virtual (online), Universidad de Alcalá
CRAI- Library UAH (Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación)
Other Resources and Services
The program benefits from the resources of both Universidad Complutense and Universidad de Alcalá: classrooms, libraries, study rooms, etc.
The Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Universidad de Alcalá
The Faculty of Philosophy and Arts houses resources and infrastructures adapted to the program. All classrooms are equipped with a computer and a screen.