The Master’s Degree in North American Studies is an official master taught by the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
It is addressed to any graduate student or holder of a Bachelor’s Degree granted anywhere in the world and in any discipline, with a high level of English, and with a research and academic future projection. This master’s degree will be taught in English, so it is mandatory that students have level C1 of the CEFR.
This master’s degree qualifies the student as an expert in culture, politics and society of the United States, within an interdisciplinary framework including Humanities, Political Science, Economics, Social Science and History.
Furthermore, it provides the ideal foundation for research and represents a complement to work in Spanish, international and American institutions, in sectors such as economic advice, foreign service, international organizations, NGOs, the media and cultural institutions, state planning and administration, adult education and continuing education, the publishing sector, library services and university and non-university institutions, such as funding organizations for public or private research institutions, among others.