The Benjamin Franklin Travel Scholarships are grants amounting to €3,000 aimed at covering accommodation and maintenance in research stays in the United States under the American Studies framework and according to the following objectives:
To cooperate in the internalization of the Universidad de Alcalá.
To encourage the academic training of UAH researchers in the United States.
To train new Doctors in American Studies.
To establish contact with American universities and institutions.
To reinforce the figure of the “Franklin Researcher”.
These scholarships address to UAH professors and students of the PhD Program in American Studies of the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
There are four grant modalities with different characteristics:
The minimum stay will be 1 month within this call.
Modality A: UAH teaching and research staff who wish to carry out their research at any university or research center in the United States within the priority lines of research of this call.
Modality B: UAH teaching and research staff who wish to carry out their research at any university or research center in the United States within the line of research in the field of medicine.
Modality C: Teaching and research staff from any university or research center in the United States who wish to conduct their research within the priority lines of research of this call at the UAH.
Modality D: Students of the Doctoral Program of the Franklin Institute-UAH.
These scholarships are restricted to the framework of American Studies, especially to Social Sciences and Humanities.
Type A, B, and C:
The researcher undertakes to give a conference and/or organize a seminar about the results of his/her research after the stay in the United States or Spain (for scholarship type C).
The researcher shall handle a research memory related to the studied topic after finishing the stay. This research memory will be published on the Instituto Franklin-UAH website and Annual Report.
The researcher should undertake to collaborate in Diálogo Atlántico blog of the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
Type D:
The researcher shall be enrolled in the Ph.D. Program in American Studies of the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
The research plan shall be previously approved by the Academic Committee.
The researcher shall handle a research memory related to the studied topic after finishing the stay. This research memory will be published on the Instituto Franklin-UAH website and Annual Report.
The researcher undertakes to defend his/her doctoral thesis in the Ph.D. Program of the Instituto Franklin-UAH within three years from the research stay.
The researcher shall indicate in his/her doctoral thesis that his/her research has been carried out with a scholarship from the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
The selection will be made by a Committee elected for that purpose by Instituto Franklin-UAH. The beneficiary will be notified by email and the official resolution will be published on the Instituto Franklin-UAH website.
2019. 2 Benjamin Franklin Scholarships to PhD candidates of the PhD Program in American Studies:
- Daniel Bustillo Hurtado. “Las relaciones de Diego de Gardoqui con los EE.UU. y el “American Southwest”. McNeil Center for Early American Studies de la University of Pennsylvania.
- Marcos Todeschini. “Dispatches from the Old Man Overseas: Ernest Hemingway´s Journalism”. University of Washington.
2016. 2 Benjamin Franklin Scholarships to PhD candidates of the PhD Program in American Studies:
- Noelia Gregorio Fernández. “The Rebel of Chicano Cinema: El cine de Robert Rodríguez”. Columbia University;
- Daniel Ureña Uceda. “El uso del español en las campañas presidenciales de Estados Unidos: el caso de 2016”. The International Republican Institute (IRI).
2015. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a PhD candidate of the PhD Program in American Studies:
- Paloma Villamil Agraso. “Ecofeminist Spiritualities in Science Fiction”. University of Central Florida
2014. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- José Santiago Fernández Vázquez “Reescrituras contemporáneas del mito de Orfeo en la literatura postcolonial”. Universidad de California, Santa Bárbara.
2013. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- Francisco Manuel Saez de Adana Herrero. “El reflejo de la sociedad norteamericana y de la Guerra Civil española a través de Milton Caniff”. Universidad de Ohio.
2012. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- Luis Mancha. “Etnografía y literatura: representación de la cultura mexicana en la obra de Alejandro Morales”. Universidad de California, Irvine.
2011. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- José Ignacio Ruiz Rodríguez. “Historia Hispano Americana a través de los Fondos de la Hispanic Society of America”. Hispanic Society of America (Nueva York, Estados Unidos).
2010. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- Santiago Ropero Salinas. “La metilación del ADN como nueva herramienta en la búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores en la esquizofrenia”. Hospital Mount Sinai (Nueva York, Estados Unidos).
2009. 1 Benjamin Franklin Scholarship to a professor and researcher of the Universidad de Alcalá.
- Björn Arp. “La aplicación del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos por las instituciones financieras internacionales”. American University & Washington College of Law, de Washington D.C.
The application should be presented with:
An invitation letter or a supporting document of the research stay acceptance from the hosting center or university
Research memory document
In case of applying for a scholarship type D letter with a positive resolution from the doctoral dissertation coordinator.
Researcher CV
Letter or certificate of the stay once done