The purpose of the project "Annual Report on the Image of the United States in Spain" is to implement a regular follow-up, as accurate and detailed as possible, of the image, attitudes and opinions that, as a whole and at the present time, constitute the collective mentality of our society in relation to the United States of America.
The main purpose of the project is to know the current climate of opinion about the United States in Spain, based on the following objectives:
To capture the evolution of the image of Spaniards on specific aspects of the United States
To detect the prevailing climate of opinion, as a whole, towards products and brands from other countries, more specifically those originating in the United States
Degree of knowledge and acceptance of the president of the United States
Evaluation of the degree of satisfaction with international relations between Spain and the United States
The CATI methodology will be used to carry out the citizen barometer on the image of the United States in Spain.
Methodological design
Scope: national
Universe: population aged 18 and over residing in the study area
Sample size and distribution: 800 interviews to cell phones, distributed according to the population data by sex and age of the citizens
Sampling error: for a confidence level of 95.5% (which is the one usually adopted) and assuming the principles of simple random sampling, in the worst case scenario of maximum indeterminacy (p=q=50%), the sampling error for each sample of 800 interviews is ±3.5 points)
Data collection method: computer-assisted telephone interview, with a structured and pre-coded questionnaire lasting 8 minutes
Data collection and processing will be carried out by Ipsos.
José Antonio Gurpegui is director of the Instituto Franklin-UAH. Professor of North American Studies in the Department of Modern Philology at Universidad de Alcalá. He holds a PhD in English Philology from the Universidad Complutense and a PhD in Law from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, both in Madrid. He was a visiting professor at Harvard University between 1994 and 1996, and a member of the Matthiessen Room at the same university. Previously, he was director of the Franklin-UAH Institute between 2003 and 2013. He is president of HispaUSA (Association for the Study of the Hispanic Population in the U.S.), honorary rector of UNADE (American University of Europe), and member of the Board of Editorial Advisors of the "Recovery Project" of the US Hispanic Literary Heritage from Houston University. He has published and edited some thirty books and is the author of the novels Dejar de recordar no puedo (Huerga y Fierro, 2018) and Ninguna mujer llorará por mí (Ediciones B, 2021).
Ana Lariño (coordinator)
Esperanza Cerdá (secretary)
Carlos Herrero
Cristina Sánchez Pacios