Máster de Formación Permanente en Enseñanza de Chino como Lengua Extranjera is specifically designed for Chinese speakers who wish to enhance their learning and teaching skills in the context of the Chinese language as a foreign language.
The main purpose of this program is to expand and improve the knowledge, skills, theories, and strategies related to the acquisition and teaching of the Chinese language, providing a solid foundation for successful teaching and learning. Furthermore, it offers a perspective on the process of acquiring a second language in general, with a specific focus on Chinese. All courses in the program are taught exclusively in Chinese.
This master is organized into three distinct areas: academic courses, a portfolio of the student's vital experiences or Practicum, and the composition of a final master's report.
This one-year program runs from November to July, and is equivalent to a total of 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). It's an in-person program.
It is important to note that this one-year master de Formación Permanente is accredited by the Universidad de Alcalá, a public institution recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport of Spain.
Furthermore, it is complemented by valuable practical experience in the classroom at a school in Madrid, which allows students to get in touch with the social and cultural diversity that characterizes Spanish schools today.
The cost of the program:
Tuition: 6.466 euros
Medical insurance: 450 euros. All students are required to pay for medical insurance coverage for a 10-month period, commencing from November 1st and extending through August 31st. This insurance is mandatory.
Total cost: 6.916 euros
For more information about this master’s, send an email to admissions@institutofranklin.net