The Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá calls for a selection process for a Researcher position in Chicano and Latino Studies for the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá in collaboration with the Instituto Franklin-UAH.
Main functions:
Position the Camino Real publication and include it in OJS.
Edition of the annual issues of the Journal of North American Studies REDEN.
Contribute to maintaining the high performance of the AMICUSS research group.
Organization of events related to Chicano Studies including the organization of the Frontiers & Wastelands Conference to be held on November 25th-26th, 2024 and support in the organization of the XIII International Conference on Chicano Literature and Latino Studies to be held on June 12th-14th at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Support and training of researchers in training.
Type of contract: Training contract to obtain professional practice.
All applicants to participate in this call must meet the following requirements:
Spanish nationality.
Nationality of any of the other member states of the European Union or, where applicable, of any other country to which, by virtue of international treaties concluded with the Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies in the terms set forth in that this is defined in the Treaty of the European Union.
Nationality of third states not included in the previous cases, provided that they meet the requirements demanded by the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain.
Be in possession of a university degree with a doctorate in North American studies, Philology or similar, without more than three years having elapsed from the completion of the corresponding studies to the date of hiring by the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá. In the case of being in possession of a foreign academic title, you must have the corresponding credential of homologation to the equivalent title in Spain, issued by the competent body for the recognition of foreign educational titles and qualifications in the Ministry of Education and Professional Training.
Not having been hired under the same degree.
Spoken and written knowledge of English with at least C2 level.
Research demonstrated by indexed publications in the area of Chicano and Latino Studies.
Research demonstrated by indexed publications in studies related to Popular Culture in North America (For REDEN magazine)
The following knowledge and experiences will be valued:
Editing and coordination of academic journals
Experience in organizing conferences, seminars and academic conferences.
Knowledge of other languages (French, Italian, Portuguese).
High level of initiative, organizational skills and teamwork.
Good oral and written expression.
Valuable experience, training and knowledge may be accredited through certificates of functions, certificates of services provided, work life and employment contracts, letters of recommendation or other means considered appropriate. In order to carry out the corresponding verifications of the alleged merits, the Selection Committee may carry out interviews or practical tests.
Those who wish to take part in this selection process must send the following documentation to the email address: entregaonline@fgua.es, indicating in the subject Ref. Researcher Chicano and Latino Studies-0724:
Duly completed application (Annex I) to the attention of the General Director of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá.
Simple photocopy of the DNI or NIE/TIE/Passport, if applicable.
Updated Curriculum Vitae in which the activities carried out by the applicant must be specified in the most detail possible, as well as the exact periods in which each of them have been carried out.
Recent photography.
Titles or documents accrediting the requirements.
Cover letter indicating interests and professional challenges.
Accreditation of knowledge and experience.
All documents must be written in Spanish. Documents presented in other languages must be officially translated into Spanish. No application sent by means other than that specifically indicated above will be accepted for processing. The deadline for submitting documentation to participate in this process will be until 3:00 p.m. on April 15th, 2024. Once the deadline for submitting applications has passed, the requests made will be binding on the petitioners.
2024. Anna Marta Marini