He achieved his degree and PhD in Telecommunications Engineering by the Universidad de Cantabria. Besides, he holds a PhD in Communication by the Universidad Pompeu Fabra. His early career was focused on engineering, specifically to computational electromagnetism, a field in which he worked at Arizona State University for six months as a Visiting Scholar in 2003 and for two months as a Visiting Professor in 2013. More recently, his research field is related to comic studies. In this field, he has published 10 book chapters, as well as 15 articles in national and international journals. He is director of the journal Cuadernos de cómic and has also coordinated two issues of the journal Tebeosfera, one dedicated to the press strips of the United States and the other to the Chilean comic strip. He taught a seminar on Miton Caniff and American culture at the University of Salerno and he has given talks on comics at universities and institutions in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Great Britain or the United States. Since 2014, he organizes a summer course dedicated to the study of comics at the Universidad de Alcalá.