Round Table "Cybersecurity: Detection, Prevention, and Response in a Globalized World"
Presentation of Tribuna Norteamericana nº30 "Cybersecurity"
On the occasion of the presentation of the Tribuna Norteamericana Nº 30, Instituto Franklin-UAH organizes this round table to discuss a subject of vital importance nowadays, cybersecurity.
Registration: Free registration up to capacity.
- Representative of the Fundación Consejo España-Estados Unidos (@FundConEspEEUU)
- José Javier Martínez Herráiz, Rector’s Delegate for Electronic Administration and Security of the University of Alcalá
- Yaiza Rubio, Security analyst at ElevenPaths (@yrubiosec).
- Pedro Pacheco, Chief Commissioner of the Cybersecurity Central Unit of the Spanish National Police (@policia).
- Enrique Cubeiro Cabello, Ship-of-the-line Captain, Chief of Staff of the Joint Cyber-Defence Command (@qcubeiro).