PhD in Spanish Language and Literature and political scientist expert in International Public Law and International Relations. He has been the Main Researcher of different projects, such as "El valor económico de lo español" (funded by Fundación Telefónica) or "El español en Marruecos" (MAEC, ICEX; AECID...). His research focuses on the study of the strategic and relative value of Spanish language and the main international languages from a sociodemographic, political, and economic perspective. In this field, he has published several books, including La Europa de Babel, El español en las relaciones internacionales, La lengua española en Marruecos, La Europa multilingüe and Lengua y reconstrucción nacional en la CEI, as well as many academic articles and book chapters. Since 2010, he has been in charge of the preparation and writing of the report “El español, una lengua viva”, published every year by the Instituto Cervantes, an international reference for measuring the presence of Spanish language in the world.