Call for Courses for the Consortium for Transatlantic Studies and Scholarship & Instituto Franklin-UAH Program for Spring 2019 is now open
If you are interested in teaching abroad for one month during the Spring Semester 2019, at the Instituto Franklin-Universidad de Alcalá in Madrid, Spain, we want to invite you to consider this opportunity. We are looking for faculty who can commit to teach a 45 hour course (3 credits) in the field of Social Sciences. Courses should be taught in English and should include a comparative Transatlantic perspective.
The mission of the Consortium for Transatlantic Studies and Scholarship is to encourage and promote specialized research and multicultural discussion from a transatlantic perspective. It provides faculty and students with a unique multicultural environment in order to aid their personal, professional, and academic development. The program has a comprehensive international nature since it involves professors and students from different universities around the world.
If you wish to submit a course click here or contact us at Call for Courses will be open until February 28th, 2018.
To learn more about the CTSS and how to become a member, click here.