The “Practicas” course is compulsory for all students who are completing their teaching experience as language assistants in charter and private schools which have a collaboration agreement with the program.
The teaching practicum is supervised and evaluated by an academic tutor and a school tutor. The final grade for this course is based on a continuous evaluation and monitoring of student’s progress at the collaborating school and active participation in the seminars organized by the academic tutor from the program.
The “Practicas” course has a workload of 30 ECTS credits.
List of collaborating schools:
- Aquinas American School.
- Casvi International American School.
- Colegio Internacional Logos.
- Educrea "El Mirador".
- Eurocolegio Casvi.
- Europeo Aristos .
- Liceo Cónsul.
- Liceo Sorolla B.
- Logos.
- Lope de Vega.
- Nuestra Señora de las Nieves.
- Nursery Logos School.
- Trinity College School San Sebastián de los Reyes.