This research project focuses on the legal regulation of animal welfare: legislation on the legal status of animals and the contracts and legal-private acts that affect them, competent administrations, and regulated conditions for laboratory, production, domestic, marine, transgenic and wild animals -in situ and ex situ-, on farms, in the wild, or in shelters, pet shops, shows, fairs, zoos and other centers, as well as the conditions of commercialization and transport.
- Lead Researcher: Jorge Pérez Serrano, Universidad de Alcalá
- Alejandra Tajuelo Rodríguez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Claudia Alonso Recarte, Universidad de Castila-La Mancha
- Gloria Fernández Lázaro, Instituto Franklin-UAH
- José Mª Orellana Muriana, Universidad de Alcalá
- María Fábregas Hernández, University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa
- Pilar López de la Osa Escribano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Sonia López Moreno, Instituto Franklin-UAH
- Agnes Dufau, Instituto Franklin-UAH
- Otros Miembros:
- Enrique Alonso García, Miembro honorífico
- Ignacio Ramos Gay, Universidad de Valencia
- Teresa Giménez Candela, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
- Pilar López de la Osa Escribano, «El Régimen Jurídico de los Parques Zoológicos y Acuarios». Ed. Aranzadi-Thomson-Reuters, 2013.
- José M. Orellana-Muriana. Animal Models in Cancer Research: Assessment of Severity and the Application of Humane Endpoints, Neuromethods. Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2012.
- Gloria Fernández Lázaro, Enrique Alonso García y Ana Recarte, comunicación en el Boletín de la Asociación Primatológica Española, Vol. 19, No.2, pagina 6, Julio 2012.
- Pilar López de la Osa Escribano. El Derecho del Bienestar Animal en Europa y Estados Unidos, editorial Aranzadi- Thomson-Reuters, 2012.
- Gloria Fernández Lázaro, Enrique Alonso García y Ana Recarte, case study: prosimian in the U.S.; ex situ Institutions: The Duke Lemur Center as an Example of Animal Welfare Science and its Contribution to Biodiversity Conservation, Mayo 2012.
- Enrique Alonso García, Fátima Rodríguez García y Ana Recarte Vicente-Arche, Bienestar animal, producción de alimentos y seguridad alimentaria, Capítulo 12 del libro Tratado de Derecho Alimentario. Editorial Aranzadi, 2012.
Congress “Four-Footed actors: Lived Animals on the Stage”
Universidad de Valencia, December 2012
The aim of this congress was to analyze the function of the living animal on the stage, from the early modern age to the present day, taking as a starting point the study of textual or visual aspects of representations starring animals; animal scenic typologies; the hybridization of theater and circus, zoo or cinema; or the semiotic transfer of the function of the animal from the text to the stage.
Congress “Minding Animals Pre-Conference, Animals and the law”
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, October 2011
The aim of this scientific meeting was to focus our interest in the legal treatment that animals receive in the two major legal systems: Common Law and Civil Law, trying to establish a balance between the problems that arise and the answers that have been given now, in this emerging field. Papers were presented on "The new regulation of equine farms and animal welfare" and "Animal welfare and the design of zoological facilities: do naturalized facilities really provide a suitable environment for animals in zoos?"