Spanish vs. American Perspectives on Bilingual Education
This book is an introduction to the different points of view on bilingual education in a globalized world, focusing on the American and Spanish perspective that were presented at the First International Congress on bilingual education in a globalized world organized by the Franklin Institute of the University de Alcalá in October 2014. Globalization has increased our expectations regarding bilingual education and has also determined our need to learn more about a language or culture and appreciate diversity and multiculturalism. Specifically, the development and growth of bilingual education programs in both Spain and the United States has been the object of study. These topics are exposed through a selection of articles that we hope will allow readers to better understand bilingual education in both countries. The book is divided into the following chapters: 1) bilingual education, 2) dual language programs, 3) proposals for CLIL / CLIL and 4) proposals for a bilingual class.