PhD. in French Philology from the UNED in 2006, a degree in French Philology from the Universidad de Oviedo in 1996 and a diploma in Teaching (specialising in Spanish language and modern language) from the Universidad de Cantabria in 1991. She teaches French language in the Department of Modern Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá.
Her research activity focuses on ecocriticism (she is coordinator of the ecocriticism research group GIECO, based at the Instituto Franklin-UAH). She is currently a collaborator in the Cultural Mythocriticism Research Project (AGLAYA - Community of Madrid) and a member of the "Teaching Innovation for Environmental Education and Sustainability" Group (IDEAS) of the UAH.
Her publications are especially devoted to the analysis of works by French-speaking authors, with a special focus on French-language Swiss literature, from an ecocritical perspective. Since 2015, she has also been interested in myths, tales and legends related to the mountains and the end of the world. Member of the French Association "Les Amis de Ramuz" based at the University of Tours, of the Association of Frenchists of the Spanish University (AFUE) and of the Galician Laboratory of ecocriticism (University of Santiago de Compostela). Blog: http://ecocriticismo.blogspot.com.es/
Lines of research: Ecocriticism, Myths, French and Francophone Literature, Swiss Literature of French expression, Mountain, C.F. Ramuz.