Professor at the Universidad de Alcalá, she received her PhD in English Philology from the Universidad de Salamanca with a doctoral thesis entitled "Towards a Poetics of Memory: Charlotte Delbo's and Cynthia Ozick's Representation of the Holocaust Experience" for which she received the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize. Her lines of research focus on the representation of the Holocaust, the reception of cultural representations of the Holocaust, ideological rewritings as well as the translation of official documents. She has been a member of the FITISPos research group at the Universidad de Alcalá (2012-2019) and is a member of the high-performance research group RECEPTION (Universidad de Alcalá) and MIDEL: Memoria e Identidades literarias y culturales (Universidad de Alicante). As part of her work in these groups, she has participated in a total of 4 research projects obtained in public and competitive calls and is currently a beneficiary of the Line of Excellence for Permanent University Faculty (Ref. EPU/INV/2020/015). She has carried out research stays at the University of Leiceister (England), University of Minnesota (USA) and Univesity of Strathclyde (Scotland).