Writer, poet, essayist, José Manuel Marrero Henríquez is the author of numerous research works on landscape and animal representation in literature and on various topics and authors from the literary traditions of Spain and Latin America. His Poetics of Breathing, a general theory of literature of ecological inspiration and in constant development, has been the foundation of his most recent academic and literary work. Within the framework of ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment), this poetics served as the basis for the project "7 Minutes to Make a Better World" in which Marrero Henríquez read his poems together with the venerable poet Gary Snyder, Pulitzer Prize winner in 1974 and the last representative of the Beat Generation and Deep Ecology, and with other poets and visual artists (UC Davis, 2018) and is present in the poetry of Reversos ejemplares (Anroart, 2011) and Landscapes with Donkey / Paisajes con burro (Green Writers Press, 2018), in the short stories, from "Añejo" (Tropelías 7, 2020) to "Chickens like Celebrities" (Imaginative Ecologies; Brill, 2021) and "Inertia" (forthcoming in Global South, 2023) and in the series of newspaper columns entitled Antiviral Writings and Antiwar Writings that have appeared in the period 2020-2023. This Poetics of Breathing is also present in his latest academic publications, from Transatlantic Landscapes (UAH, 2017) and Hispanic Ecocriticism (Peter Lang, 2019) to "Affection, Literature and Animal Ideation" (Spanish Thinking about Animals; Michigan State University Press, 2020), "Vegan Cervantes: Meat Consumption and Social Degradation in Dialogue of the Dogs" (The Routledge Handbook of Vegan Studies; Routledge, 2021), "Ecopoetics" (A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies; Tamesis Books, 2023) and his forthcoming publication "Hacia una filología verde: sobre Francisco González Díaz (1866-1945), ecologist avant la lettre" (Hispanófila, 2023). José Manuel Marrero Henríquez has taught writing courses and workshops at the Casa de Colón in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Casa Encendida in Madrid, conferences at the University of Granada, Heidelberg Universität, Oslo University, he was a member of the Advisory Board of EASLCE (European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment) between 2010 and 2014, an association to which he has recently been appointed as a new advisor for the period 2022- 2026, he is a member of the advisory board of Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment from its creation in 2010 to the present, he is a member of the board of ASETEL (Spanish Association of Literary Theory) and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Publications Service of the ULPGC (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), where he is Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Web: josemanuelmarrerohenriquez.com
Lines of research: ecocriticism, eco-poetics, literary landscape, animal studies, theory of literature.