8th International Conference on the Historical Links between Spain and the Americas
Climate Change and Trans-Atlantic Transformations
Climate change poses the gravest threat to humanity and millions of other species that inhabit planet Earth. Record temperatures and extreme weather events—from hurricanes and flooding to droughts and raging wildfires—and their attendant ecological destruction, loss of life and livelihoods, forced migration within and across borders, and rise of authoritarian populist movements on both sides of the Atlantic urgently require the attention of scholars across all academic disciplines.
The Eighth International Conference on the Historical Links between Spain and the Americas will grapple with the causes, dynamics, and consequences, including for trans-Atlantic relations, of what has now become widely known as an emergency. From colonialism and imperialism to neoliberalism and globalization, asymmetrical relationships and unsustainable consumption patterns are foundational to understanding one of the twenty-first century’s most pressing collective action dilemmas.
The conference calls for critical consideration of the disproportionate impacts of environmental degradation on vulnerable populations—owing to race, gender, class, or other oppressive social hierarchies.
** The conference welcomes special non-geographically restricted proposals and panels on STEM disciplines focused on climate change.
The City College of New York - Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Instituto Cervantes of New York, and the Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá join for the eighth year in organizing this conference. The call for papers embraces different disciplines and areas of study, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches to the connections between Spain and the Americas. As always, the primary aim of the conference is to provide a meeting place for academics and professionals to engage with other participants within and outside their areas of specialization.
The conference is organized in sections with different focal points. The following topics will be prioritized:
A. Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
B. Education
C. Cultural Studies
D. International Relations
E. Economy and Labor
F. Science and Technology
G. Environmental and Sustainability Studies
H. Climate change —non-geographically restricted—
Proposals should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words and a brief biography (100-150 words).
They must be sent through the conference website.
Papers may be in Spanish or English. Submission deadline: December 31st, 2022.
Proposals for panels containing three lectures on the same topic are also welcome.
Lectures will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes organized in panels containing three papers.
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance and participation.
Publication: After the conference, the organizing committee will announce the deadline for submitting articles. An editorial committee will evaluate them and those selected will be published in a book.
Plazo de presentación de propuestas: 31 de diciembre de 2022
Carlos Aguasaco (CCNY-CUNY)
Esperanza Cerdá (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Cristina Crespo (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Julio Cañero (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Danielle Zach (CCNY-CUNY)
David Jeruzalmi (CCNY-CUNY)
Francisco Sáez de Adana Herrero (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Jose Antonio Gurpegui (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Juan Carlos Mercado (CCNY-CUNY)
Richard Bueno Hudson (Instituto Cervantes NY)
Susanna Rosenbaum (CCNY-CUNY)
Delia Antelo (Instituto Cervantes NY)
Esperanza Cerdá (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Ana Lariño (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Dee Dee Mozeleski (CCNY-CUNY)
Laura Rey (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Susanna Rosenbaum (CCNY-CUNY)
Danielle Zach (CCNY-CUNY)