Transatlantic Relations Cycle
Spain-United States Relations: Common Challenges and Threats in the Era of Great Power Competition
During the academic year 2021/2022, the Instituto Franklin-UAH in collaboration with other institutions promotes the organization of a cycle of seminars focused on the study of transatlantic relations. The aim of this cycle is understanding the new interests in the bilateral relations between Spain and the United States, as well as the challenges and threats faced by both countries.
The cycle will pay attention to different topics such as climate change, cybersecurity, misinformation, and international alliances considering the current geostrategic situation after the pandemic.
Directors: PhD. Cristina Crespo Palomares (Instituto Franklin-UAH) and PhD. David García Cantalapiedra (UCM)
Dates: October 14th and 15th, 2021
Place: "Sala del Anfiteatro" in Casa de América, Madrid (Plaza de la Cibeles, s/n. 28014)
Format: Hybrid face-to-face and virtual
Attendance: Prior registration through the form available on this webpage
09:00-10:00 - Institutional Welcome
- Intervention by the Minister Counselor of the United States Embassy, Conrad Tribble
10:00-11:00 - Keynote address by Josep Piqué - "Relaciones bilaterales: intereses geopolíticos y comerciales en el marco de la UE"
Introduction: Cristina Crespo Palomares, Instituto Franklin-UAH
11:00-11:30 - Break
11:30-13:30 - Round Table "La OTAN y el nuevo concepto estratégico con el Sur"
- General José Dacoba, Instituto de Estudios Estratégicos
- Raquel Barras, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Carlos Echevarría, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Moderator: David García Cantalapiedra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
17:00-19:00 - Round Table "Seguridad y Defensa: amenazas comunes en la Alianza Atlántica"
- Ambassador Javier Rupérez
- Maureen McGovern, United States Embassy
- Natividad Fernández Sola
Moderator: Cristina Crespo Palomares, Instituto Franklin-UAH
09:30-10:30 - Keynote address by Ana Samboal - "La desinformación como estrategia y amenaza internacional"
Introduction: José Antonio Gurpegui, Instituto Franklin-UAH
10:30-11:00 - Break
11:00-12:30 - Round Table "Ciberseguridad"
- Colonel Gómez de Ágreda
- Andrea García Rodríguez, CIDOB
- Javier Jarauta, Head of Strategic Demand Generation en SIA
Moderator: Fundación Consejo España-EE. UU.
13:00-14:00 - Keynote Address by Ambassador Fidel Sendagorta - "Próximos escenarios geopolíticos en el tablero internacional