6th International Conference on the Historical Links between Spain and the Americas
The City College of New York’s Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Instituto Cervantes of New York, and the Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá join for the sixth time in organizing this conference with an emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to examining the historical links between Spain and the Americas. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s gathering will rely on videoconference technologies. Six keynote speakers will present their approaches.
For further information on the conference check the program or visit https://www.historicallinks.com/.
To register, click here.
Carlos Aguasaco (CCNY-CUNY)
Richard Bueno Hudson (Instituto Cervantes NY)
Cristina Crespo (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Francisco Sáez de Adana Herrero (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Julio Cañero (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Juan Carlos Mercado (CCNY-CUNY)
Carlos Aguasaco (CCNY-CUNY)
Delia Antelo (Instituto Cervantes NY)
Cristina Crespo (Instituto Franklin-UAH)
Dayrene Gross (CCNY-CUNY)
Ana Lariño Ares (Instituto Franklin-UAH)