Round Table "The Future of Trumpism"
The outcome of the last US presidential election, with a high turnout and a close result, showed the growing polarization of American society and the emergence of radical groups related to "Trumpism". President Trump questioning the election results, refusing to accept defeat, and encouraging his supporters to rally led to the assault on the US Congress and subsequently, to a new attempt of impeachment of Donald Trump. After the failure of this attempt, Trump continues to keep into consideration the possibility of running again for the next presidential election in 2024. He could have a good chance in a divided Republican Party without clear leaders and an increasingly polarized society.
As the first 100 days of the Biden Administration come to an end, the fulfillment of his electoral promises is being judged. However, what chance does the Democratic president have of carrying out his program with such a divided Congress and society? What have been the consequences of Trump Administration's? What is the future of Trumpism?
On the occasion of the presentation of the 34th issue of Tribuna Norteamericana journal, about Trump's Administration, Instituto Franklin-UAH and Casa de América, along with Fundación Consejo España-EE. UU. organize this round table in which the experts will debate the consequences of Trump's Administration and the future of Trumpism.
The event will be accessible to the public via Casa de América YouTube channel on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 12 p.m.
- Francisco Sáez de Adana, Director of Instituto Franklin-UAH
- Rebeca Guinea, Programming Director of Casa de América
- Manuel Mª Lejarreta, Secretary General of the Fundación Consejo España-EE. UU.
- Fernando Vallespín, Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Cristina Manzano, Director of esglobal
- Pedro Rodríguez, Professor at Universidad de Comillas
- Cristina Crespo, General Coordinator of Instituto Franklin-UAH