Round Table and Presentation of the Book España y la Guerra Civil Americana
A forum was organized for the presentation of the book España y la Guerra Civil Americana o la globalización del contrarrevolucionismo by Raul C. Cancio, to discuss the reasons that pushed hundreds of thousands of Europeans and among them, a few hundred Spanish citizens to join the warring factions of the American Civil War.
Being one of the great specialists in contemporary Spanish history, he has participated in numerous collective works and published articles on Carlism, nationalism, republicanism, sociability, exiles, historiography, literature and political violence. Author of benchmark works such as El carlismo. Dos siglos de contrarrevolución en España (2000), Banderas blancas, boinas rojas. Una historia política del carlismo, 1876-1939 (2006) e Il Carlismo. Storia di una tradizione controrivoluzionaria nella Spagna contemporanea (2011). He has coordinated among others, the volumes Exilios. Los éxodos políticos en la historia de España, siglos XV-XX (2007), Histoire de l’Espagne contemporaine de 1808 à nos jours (2009), Historia cultural de la política contemporánea (with Javier Moreno, 2009), Guerra de ideas. Política y cultura en la España de la Guerra de la Independencia (with Pedro Rújula, 2011) and Guerras civiles. Una clave para entender la Europa de los siglos XIX y XX (with Eduardo González Calleja, 2012).
Chair in Administrative Law by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 1994. He is a Full Academic Member and Secretary of the Spanish Royal Academy -Chair r- and of the Moral and Political Sciences. In 1980, he received the Chair in Administrative Law at the Universidad de Valencia, and two years later, the Chair of the same discipline at the Universidad de Alcalá. He is Doctor honoris causa by the Universidad de Valencia, Technician of the Public Administration and specialist in constitutional, administrative and European law. From his legal literature, comprising more than fifty books and countless articles on subjects of his specialty, we can highlight Tratado de derecho administrativo y derecho público general, a reference work on the subject. He is the Director of Diario del Derecho and of the journal El Cronista del Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho and member of the Editorial Board of other Spanish and foreign journals. He is also the author of books of stories, such as Riofrio; works of historical research, such as El problema de la vertebración del Estado en España (2006) Sepúlveda, cronista del Emperador (2012), in addition to a significant number of essay works, among which we can highlight Informe sobre España. Repensar el Estado o destruirlo (2012) for which he has been awarded the Premio Nacional de Ensayo 2013 (National Essay Prize). In February 2014, he was awarded the Medal of Andalusia.
Specialist Prosecutor and Judge in contentious-administrative litigation since 1997, he is a Practicing Lawyer in the firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, of which he is a Partner, being his specialty public law and litigation defense of the interests of natural and legal persons before the Administration or in criminal court. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation and of the Commission for the prevention of Money Laundering of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (CGAE). Within the Fundación Aguas de Barcelona, he has developed various training activities related to the water sector. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the specialized journal SEPIN penal. As a jurist, he has made more than sixty publications distributed between both written articles, digital media and in professional or trade journals and collective works. Outside the legal world, he has taught and written numerous conferences and articles for print and online media on history issues, related to the Camino de Santiago or the Sea (pointing out the book, El Almirante Antequera, un tinerfeño y marino ilustre, co-edited by the City Council and the Cabildo of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1989, the audiovisual conference on Around the World in Numancia organized by the Royal Spanish Navy League of Aragón in 2007, the drafting of the Statute of the Royal Yatch Club of Ribadeo, the conference on “Antequera: a universal canary” in the Royal Society Aridane (La Palma, July 2014).
Raúl C. Cancio (Madrid, 1970) holds a PhD in Law by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and a Bachelor’s Degree by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Since 2003, he belongs to the Corps of Lawyers of the Supreme Court, and since 2013, he is an academic of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Aranzadi Doctrinal; Analyst of the team of Jurisprudence Analysis of the Center of Legal Documentation of the CGPJ; Rapporteur of jurisprudence of the Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union. He has published sixteen books and almost two hundred articles in professional journals. As for his teaching activity, he participates in the Practicum of the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Carlos III; he is member of the expert panel of the Chair on Peace, Security and Defense of the Universidad de Zaragoza and regular speaker at the courses of the Center for Legal Studies of the Administration of Justice.