The Daughters of the American Revolution (España Chapter) y el Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos “Benjamin Franklin” de la Universidad de Alcalá (Instituto Franklin-UAH) convocan anualmente el premio Alice Gould que se entrega como reconocimiento al fomento de la educación y la historia norteamericana en España.
Las propuestas serán trabajos fin de máster presentados en el programa Teach & Learn in Spain. Se dará prioridad a los proyectos que analicen los siguientes temas:
Educación: estudios comparativos de sistemas educativos y otros aspectos relacionados con la educación como la introducción de la cultura norteamericana, metodología de la enseñanza, y valores, entre otros.
Historia y otros temas relacionados como el papel de la mujer en la sociedad norteamericana, inmigración, etc.
El primer premio consiste en 500 €. Se otorga también un segundo premio de 100 €.
Posibilidad de publicación del proyecto ganador, tras la evaluación positiva por parte de dos evaluadores externos, en la revista Encuentro. Revista del Departamento de Filología Moderna, UAH.
Este premio va dirigido a estudiantes de cualquier máster del programa Teach & Learn in Spain del Instituto Franklin-UAH matriculados en el año académico en curso.
El beneficiario deberá mencionar el premio en cualquier publicación que derive de su investigación.
El beneficiario será invitado a una de las reuniones de las DAR.
Una comisión elegida por DAR y el Instituto Franklin-UAH se encargará de evaluar las propuestas. La decisión final se anunciará en la página web del Instituto Franklin-UAH.
- 1º Premio. Hannah Segura. English as a Foreign Language Instruction with Information and Communication Technologies: A Curriculum Designed to Support English Language Proficiency using Digital Literacy in Secondary Texas Schools.
- 2º Premio. Alexandra Webster. Exploring Real-World Applications of High School Biology: Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning in a Michigan Classroom.
- Certificados de méritos excepcionales.
- Shaghayegh Jafari. Education Across Borders: Addressing the Educational Needs of Arabic- Speaking Immigrants in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.
- Zayer Imam. Literature in Context: 20th-Century America.
- Manon Lerebourg. Increasing Access and Closing the Gap:An Integrated English Language Arts Curriculum for Multilingual Learners at Cascade Middle School.
- Marqz Olivar. Fostering Critical, Creative and Caring Thinkers: An integration of Philosophy for Children (P4C) in the CLIL framework of 6th grade ESL classrooms in Spain.
- Julia Daniel. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Mathematical Cognition.
- Cindy Paguirigan. Understanding Middle-School Learners’ Post-Pandemic Social-Emotional Learning (Sel) Needs as a Basis for Developing an Sel-Based Pedagogy
- 1º Premio. Arthur Nielsen Demain. Advancing Holistic Peace Education in the Bangsamoro Margins: A Project and Inquiry-based Research and Curricular Intervention
- 2º Premio. Myzoom Yang Digital Literacy in the 21st Century for All Learners in Wisconsin Public Middle Schools
- Certificados de méritos excepcionales. Annie Heath Learning to Think Creatively: a Guide to Help Teachers Break Away from the Textbook and Transform 3rd Graders into Creative Problem-Solvers. Olivia Tabiendo An Exploration of the Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion Practices in a Bilingual Primary School in Madrid. Melissa Garza Flores Early Childhood Bilingual Teachers' Perception of their Preparation for Inclusive Education in Madrid, Spain.
- 1º Premio. Brian Wasik English Foreign Language vs. English as a Lingua Franca: An Exploration of Student Motivation Towards Two Approaches to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language.
- 2º Premio. Jessica Alejandra Reyes Introduction to Human Rights.
- Certificados de méritos excepcionales. Alexandra Enright Connection Interrupted: The Exposed Impacts of COVID-19 on Inside-Out Prison Education and the Switch to Online Learning in the United States. Bea Jianne Roque Filipino Language Teaching Assistants in Bilingual public schools: A ´´Postcolonial´´ Identity Study Reflected in Spanish Classroom. Lisa Tornabene Associate Degree in Employability Studies: Prioritizing Employability in the American Community College System.
- 1º Premio. David Logan Noland. "Demographics, Cost, and Shadow Education: A Study of Private English Tutors in Madrid, Spain"
- 2º Premio. Mackenzie L. Wallace. "Using the Classroom as a Space for Social Justice: Teaching Methods for Equal-Opportunity Classrooms"
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales. Kristen L. Connors. "Exploring the Impact of Roma Students' Sense of Belonging in a Spanish Public Secondary School on their Persistence in Education."
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales.Vasilijs Zaremba. "Inquiry-Based Learning through The 5E Model: Enhancing Conceptual Thinking in Science, Math and Social Studies of First Grade Learners in Hanoi, Vietnam"
- 1er Premio. Teresa Mejía. “Acculturation and Markers of Acculturative Stress in Second Generation Students”.
- 2do Premio. Ashley Enlow. “Psychosocial Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Expatriates Living in Spain”
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales. Rachel Waltz. “Teaching Civic Responsibility and Critical Thinking Skills Through Social Studies: An Active Learning Curriculum for Middle School Students Studying Early American History”.
- 1er Premio. Karis Gorak. “A Neurolinguistic Approach to Language Acquisition: Analysis of Motivation Applied to Language Proficiency in the Context of Spanish Primary Education.”
- 2do Premio. Dereck Percival. “Preparing Young Learners for Liquid Times: Teaching Growth Mindset and 21st Century Skills to Promote Global Citizenship.”
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales:
- Haley Nicole Harrison. “The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Student-Teacher Relations in Language Immersion Education.”
- Sadaf Lakhia. ”Effects of British Colonialismo n Women´s Education and Development in Pakistan.”
- 1er Premio. Erin Glayzer. “A Biological, Religious, and Sociological Analysis on the Effects of Teacher Gender on Student’s Perception of Authority within Secondary, Bilingual Programs at Charter Schools in Madrid, Spain”.
- 2do Premio. Celeste Hinds. “What Happens Next?: A Study on the Career Opportunities and Transferable Skills Illustrated by Former Graduates/Language Assistants of a Hand’s-On Master’s Degree Abroad and Applying it to the Workplace”.
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales. Matthew Aycock “The Gay Agenda: Evaluating and Supporting LGTBQ Competency in Spanish Schools Through the National Bilingual Education Project”.
- 1er Premio: Marissa Sanders Toomey. “A Study of the Influence of Gender in Spanish Adolescents’ Motivations for Achivements
- Certificado de méritos excepcionales:
- Erin Glayzer. “Analysis of the Effects of Gender on Authority in a Secondary, Bilingual Program at a Charter School in Madrid, Spain.”
- Maura Katherine Begg,“Attitudes Toward Multiculturalism and Language of Students in Spain”.
- 1er Premio. Sara Ashley Kells. “Teaching Teachers How to Teach”.
- 1er Premio. Mora Hedayati. “The Changing Family in Spain: Using Picture Books to Investigate Family Norms in Pre-School Classrooms”.