The Máster de Formación Permanente en Teaching is part of the Teach & Learn in Spain Program and is aimed toward students who have not received specific training in the field of education and want to develop the skills required to become a truly outstanding teaching professional.
This MA program utilizes a training framework that integrates teaching and learning perspectives and looks beyond the academic and towards understanding all of the needs of a learner. These perspectives include teaching methods, curricular design, classroom management, learning theories, design of classroom resources, and evaluation. The courses in this degree program are taught entirely in English.
The Máster de Formación Permanente en Teaching is structured into three distinct areas: academic courses, a life experience portfolio or practicum, and the development and submission of a Master's Thesis.
This program runs for one academic year (nine months), from September to June, and is worth 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. It combines onsite classes (Fridays) with online sessions (during the week).
This is a one-year Master propio and is accredited by the Universidad de Alcalá, a public university in Spain, recognized by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain.
Students in this program have the option to be language assistants* in a school in Madrid, through which the student will come into contact with the social and cultural diversity of Spanish schools today.
Our program is not a teaching licensure or certification program. If you are interested in becoming a licensed or certified teacher, please check the requirements where you would like to teach as it varies by country and state.
*The language assistantship can only be offered to students with passports from one of the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, the United States, the Philippines, Finland, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom or the Netherlands. For more information on the countries participating in the Madrid Conversation Assistants program, contact: admissions@institutofranklin.net.